Eastside Eagles Soar at National Conference

February 6, 2024

This past week, Eastside Elementary School 4th graders traveled to Charlotte, NC to perform at the Leader in Me Symposium.

The 4th graders performed two songs in front of a live audience of more than 1,000 conference attendees. Additionally, Justice Jenkins and Samantha Helwig had the privilege of welcoming attendees and introducing the hosts of the conference. Eastside’s cheer club also greeted attendees as they arrived at the conference and performed several cheers.

These students represented District 56 well, and we are so proud of their hard work!

Eastside Elementary Principal, Tanya Wilson, said, “Our students being selected to perform in front of 1,000 educators is exactly why Leader in Me is important to our students. Most of our students would not consider themselves to be musicians, cheerleaders, or greeters but with these performances, we were able to facilitate a place where they got to explore music in a new way and find a genius they might not have realized they had within them.” Eastside Elementary is in its 2nd year of Leader of Me, an international initiative based off of Stephen Covey’s 7 Habits of Highly Effective People.