Eating Crow // Counting Blessings
June 7, 2013By Cathy Rigg Monetti
June 7, 2013
I’ve come to believe it is the most important thing of all, having a big open heart. It’s the only way in for all the blessings our infinitely generous Lord intends us to have. The only way in.
Twice this week I was reminded of this truth, twice I was brought to tears. One of those was an email from my cousin Meg, who put it this way when speaking of her life’s mantra:
Nothing, ever, is worth closing your heart over.
Is there ever a way to adequately express gratitude when it is felt so deeply? When another heart is opened to you in a trusting way? When there is a generosity of spirit (one that requires sacrifice) so significant it makes you weep?
This is the crow that showed up in my yard the day I came back from the visit with my cousins, the one during which Meg professed her love of the unpopular bird and then proceeded to find the lone feather of the weekend: a crow feather.
the crow who now visits me daily
He has come, I know, as a reminder to keep my heart open, to welcome grace, to honor the trust that accompanies great blessings.
I will remember.
TheDailyGrace is the online journal of Cathy Rigg Monetti, writer and founder of Riggs Partners in Columbia, South Carolina. It chronicles the observations of ordinary days, in an ordinary life, and how extraordinary those days become when you simply pay attention. Follow TheDailyGrace blog here , or via Facebook or Twitter.
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