Entrepreneur Secrets – The power of belief in yourself
November 28, 2016By Jerry Bellune
The power of belief in yourself
Failing entrepreneurs suffer from lack of confidence.
When you lack confidence, it causes you to:
• Second guess the value of your products and services.
• Doubt yourself and what you have to offer.
• Lose sleep over your lack of sales and profits.
I’ve been there. I know how you some time feel.
When we started our company, we had a solid plan.
We were supposed to break even in Month 10.
Month 10 came and went. We weren’t yet profitable.
I began to worry and lose sleep over it.
Then I realized my partner wasn’t worried.
She still had faith that we were going to succeed.
I went back to sleep and we turned the corner.
Month 11 was profitable as have all the rest.
Business coach Christian Mickelsen agrees.
Confidence can be the deal breaker or deal maker.
As an entrepreneur, we must believe in ourselves.
Instead of fear, we must feel that we can help others.
This means we can help solve problems and ease pain.
It means we can help them realize their dreams.
Turn your attention from yourself and your fear.
Turn it to those you know you can and want to help.
This will turn your attention in the direction you need.
You will concentrate on helping those who need you.
It will give you strength to make a difference for them.
You can gain confidence with “power beliefs.”
When you adopt these beliefs, your confidence rises.
Practice this power belief in yourself by saying:
“What I do makes a difference for others.”
Your training, experience and skills are important.
Your presence creates a particular magic.
Others appreciate and welcome your impact on them.
That impact is then magnified when you’re with them.
There’s a power that comes from your presence.
If you don’t believe this, I feel for you.
Go back to the practice described by saying to yourself:
“What I do makes a difference for others.”
Say it often to yourself. Affirmations work.
That affirmation will lead you to greater confidence.
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Next: Measure everything you do.
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©2016 The Bellune Company, Inc.
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