Excellence In Design Honorees Announced

November 16, 2011

SPARTANBURG, SC – November 15, 2011 – The City of Spartanburg’s Planning Commission  announced projects that have adhered to high standards of excellence in the areas of building and landscaping for the past year during the City Council meeting on Monday, November 14 in Council Chambers. 

In its 14th year, the award program recognizes those whose work showcases uniqueness and exemplary projects that have exceeded City requirements.

After months of reviewing site, building and landscaping plans, the Planning Commission awarded a total of eight award plaques to the project owners and 45 award certificates to the members of the design teams.

Plaques presented to the 2010 winners include The Barnet Residence, Indigo Hall, Hub City Bookshop, Little River Coffee Bar, Cakehead Bakeshop, C.C. Woodson Community Center, The George and Hot Spot Skate Park.