Five-year-old girl to break world record
November 30, 2011By W. Thomas Smith Jr.
December 1, 2011
CHARLESTON, SC – Five-year-old Ansley McEvoy plans to break a world record, Saturday, Dec. 3, at Blackbaud Stadium on Daniel Island, with the largest-ever mosaic ever created by a child. And she’s doing it to raise money and awareness for The Journey House, a future place of refuge for those with cancer, like herself – and their families.
Ansley’s Attempt – as the record-breaking attempt has been dubbed – is based on Ansley’s original artwork, which has been digitally enlarged, cut into 1,484 two-by-three foot pieces.
At least 1,500 friends and spectators will be on hand from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. to watch Ansley ride over the stadium in a hot air balloon and as officials from the Guinness Book of World Records announce, It’s a record!
Ansley has experienced a year of cancer treatments at the Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC) where – according to a statement issued by the McEvoy family – many families have expressed a need for a place to stay while undergoing treatment at MUSC. Thus, the idea for The Journey House (