Forty-three students receive scholarships from Building Industry Charitable Foundation

May 29, 2018

Over the past seventeen years, the Building Industry Charitable Foundation has awarded $543,500 in scholarships to children of Association members and other students who meet criteria set for the program.  This month, the Building Industry Charitable Foundation will award an additional $55,750 to students.  The scholarship program is funded by annual events, including the BIA Golf Classic and through private contributions to the Foundation.

Congratulations to our 2018 Scholarship Recipients:

·         Rebecca “O’Neal” Best, University of South Carolina

·         Meagan Bostic, University of South Carolina

·         Perry Bumgarner, University of South Carolina

·         Robert Byrd, University of South Carolina

·         William Cate, Clemson University

·         Mary Elizabeth “Eliza” Cate, Clemson University

·         Bailey Chumney, University of South Carolina

·         Alexandra Chumney, University of South Carolina

·         Franklin David Clark, University of South Carolina

·         Pearce Barron Coggeshall, University of Mississippi

·         Aubrey Delk, Clemson University

·         Rachel Evatt, Wofford College

·         Brice Fountain, Midlands Technical College

·         Griffin McDade Harden, Auburn University

·         Jacob Harding, The Citadel

·         Nathan Hayes, University of South Carolina

·         Audrey Hayes, College of Charleston

·         Thomas Hollingsworth, University of South Carolina

·         Cailan Jones, University of South Carolina

·         Hanna Jur, University of South Carolina

·         Tyler Kurtz, University of South Carolina

·         Elizabeth LaFitte, University of South Carolina

·         Lawson Leidinger, Clemson University

·         Natalie Lewis, University of South Carolina

·         Nathan Edward Long, University of South Carolina

·         Morgan Elizabeth Lowman, University of South Carolina

·         Caroline MacGillivray, College of Charleston Honors

·         Luke Meetze, The Citadel

·         Caroline Marion Monteith, College of Charleston

·         Garrett Nix, Newberry College

·         Katharine Layne Nix, Columbia College

·         Camille Riddle, Winthrop University

·         Austin Rodgers, Clemson University

·         Matthey Rush, The Citadel

·         Ryan Sheard, The Citadel

·         Dreher Shuler, University of South Carolina

·         Andrew Smith, Lenoir-Rhyne University

·         Harrison Rhodes Sparks, University of South Carolina

·         Madison Sterne, University of South Carolina

·         Cole Parsons Teas, Clemson University

·         Breanna Thomas, Columbia College

·         Hannah Mackenzie Twine, University of South Carolina

·         Blakeley Yandle, Clemson University

The Building Industry Charitable Foundation was established in 1993 under bequest from the Building Industry Association of Central SC, which provided the initial funding.  The Foundation was established for the purpose of providing assistance to those less fortunate, or otherwise deserving, for the betterment of the community.  The Foundation accomplishes its purpose by assisting individuals, programs and organizations in need.

Building Industry Association members serving on the Board of Trustees are Michael Nieri, Great Southern Homes, Inc. (President); Ernie Magaro, Jr., Honorary Member (Vice President/Treasurer); Kim O’Quinn, Mungo Homes (Secretary); Earl McLeod, Building Industry Association (Executive Secretary); David Clark, Clark’s Services; John Covert, Covert Homes, LLC; Chandler Coggeshall, HOME Pest Control; Jimmy Derrick, Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage; Jim Evatt, Palmetto Construction & Renovations; Jennifer Harding, Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage, Kenneth Ormand, Kenneth E. Ormand, Jr., LLC; and Zeke Riddle, Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage.


The work of the Building Industry Charitable Foundation provides assistance to programs benefiting young and old alike.  The Foundation, in its work, highlights the commitment and generosity of the building industry to a better quality of life for all residents of the Midlands of South Carolina.  To request aide, write to the Building Industry Charitable Foundation at 625 Taylor St., Columbia, SC  29201.  For more information on the BIA of Central South Carolina please see their website at or call (803) 256-6238.