From Tenants to Owners: Miller-Valentine Group Provides Solutions
October 22, 2007COLUMBIA, S.C. – October 19, 2007 – When fastener and chain wholesale distributor Hodell-Natco Industries found its business growing more rapidly than its distribution space would allow, the company turned to its building owner, Miller-Valentine Group, for help.
Expanding its business from Cleveland, Ohio, Hodell-Natco Industries quickly exceeded its expectations for business success in the Southeast. With a rapidly growing business, Hodell-Natco elected to build a facility, further investing in their Southeast business initiative. The company approached Miller-Valentine Group for help constructing the new building – one the company could own.
“We loved being in Columbia and the opportunity to own our facility was part of our long term business plan,” said Otto Reidl, president of Hodell-Natco. “We turned to Miller-Valentine Group because of their expertise in designing, developing and constructing these types of facilities. Furthermore, their experience in owning similar facilities has been a significant benefit to us.”
Miller-Valentine was excited and ready to help Hodell-Natco commence building.
“Miller-Valentine’s business model has always been about determining the customers’ needs and providing them with the best real estate solution,” said Steve Koewler, president of Miller-Valentine Group.
In the end, for Hodell-Natco, it was clear that developing and constructing a 70,000 square-foot, Class “A” facility was not only an excellent investment, but also a great opportunity for future growth.
Companies interested in learning what Miller-Valentine Group can do for them are encouraged to visit the company online at or to contact the office at (803) 798-3800.
About Miller-Valentine Group
Miller-Valentine Group is a full-service real estate company that offers expert services in the areas of development and construction and has provided space solutions of more than 50 million square feet in a variety of industries. Founded in 1963, Miller-Valentine Group’s commitment to quality, value and service is reflected in its wide range of products, from multi-family residences to Class “A” office and retail developments. Miller-Valentine Group has been awarded the prestigious national “Developer of the Year Award” by NAIOP, a leading association in the real estate industry. For more information regarding Miller-Valentine Group, visit