Furman To Celebrate Inauguration Week For President Rodney Smolla Oct. 19-26
October 11, 2010Installation ceremony to take place Oct. 22 at 10 a.m.
GREENVILLE, SC – October 19-26, 2010 – Rodney A. Smolla will be formallyinstalled as Furman University’s 11th president during an inauguralceremony Friday, Oct. 22 at 10 a.m. on the south end of the Furman Mall.
The public is invited to attend the outdoor ceremony. In case ofinclement weather, the inauguration will be moved indoors to McAlisterAuditorium.
In addition to music commissioned in celebration of the inaugurationand a welcome from Furman Board of Trustees chair Richard W. Riley, theceremony will include greetings from officials representing students,faculty, staff, alumni, the Greenville community and higher education. Smolla will also present an inaugural address, “Engaging the Mind andSpirit.”The inauguration week, which will coincide with Homecomingweekend, will begin with a “What Really Matters” lecture on Oct. 19 andconclude with the Townes Lecture on Faith & Reason Oct. 26. Inaddition to the installation ceremony for Smolla, the week will includea Furman Symphony Orchestra concert, a panel discussion on civility andpublic discourse, the Chattanooga-Furman football game, and a Sundayworship service,
The full schedule of the week’s events can be found here: http://www.furman.edu/inauguration/schedule.htm
For more information, contact Furman’s News and Media Relations office at 864-294-3107.