Future Leaders Alert! 2012-2013 Leadership Charleston
June 6, 2012CHARLESTON, SC – June 6, 2012 – Applications are now available for the 2012-2013Leadership Charleston Program produced by the Charleston Metro Chamberof Commerce. Application deadline is Friday, June 29, 2012. The Chamberhas been producing the program since 1974 and has graduated nearly 1,900since its inception.
The Leadership Charleston program is opento Chamber members who are interested in an up-close look at variousissues impacting our region. The program features prominent andstimulating speakers who encourage discussion and participation alongwith visits to various community assets, including schools, hospitals,the Port of Charleston, military facilities, and a trip to the S.C.Statehouse. Those interested need to complete an application whichincludes a commitment to participate in each session. Those acceptedinto the class are notified by the end of July and must attend a two-dayretreat set for September 5 – 6 at The Sanctuary at Kiawah Island GolfResort.
The 10- month program runs one day per month for the months betweenOctober 2012 and June 2013. Each month’s session revolves around adifferent “issue”, such as education and workforce development,infrastructure, Port of Charleston, economic development, etc. Duringthe course of the day, participants will be involved in lectures,activities and tours relating to the issue. Many of the tours giveparticipants a “backroom” look at Charleston industries andorganizations not normally experienced by the general public.
“I am humbled by the wealth of knowledge about Charleston I was providedby both individual and panels of important, influential speakers,visits to places the average person never has the opportunity to see andexposure to problems I was unaware existed…it was the experience of alifetime,” said Kristen Nichols, Clawson & Staubes LLC and 2011graduate.
Many graduates find the personal and professional network they buildwith class members adds value to the skills learned in the program. “Ihave immensely enjoyed being a part of the Leadership Charleston Classof 2011! This class should be “mandatory” for leaders and executivesthroughout the tri-county area. It has given me exposure and knowledgefar beyond my own career in the hospitality industry and allowed me tosee how we as a whole (business and community) must work together to besuccessful… I felt like I always had a “front row seat and was in theknow” before the general public,” said Jennifer Bozard, Kiawah IslandGolf Resort.
Whether you have lived in the Lowcountry for a short time or all ofyour life, Leadership Charleston will help you discover what ishappening in the community and how you can get involved. Thoseinterested in applying or obtaining further information can visit http://www.charlestonchamber.net/leadership-charleston.
About the Chamber
With more than 1,850 members, the Charleston MetroChamber of Commerce serves as the catalyst for advancing our region’seconomy, improving our quality of life and enhancing our members’success.