GADC launches new jobs website to connect talented job seekers with expanding employers

January 22, 2018

The Greenville Area Development Corporation (GADC) has launched a new website ( designed to quickly and efficiently connect talented South Carolina job seekers with the scores of companies the economic development organization has assisted in expanding or relocating here in Greenville County, officials have announced.

The brand new site was created after studying the analytics on the GADC’s primary website ( and determining that a large number of site visitors were seeking job related information on the site. To assist those visitors as well as area employers when publicizing job openings, was created and launched.

The new site is not intended to aggregate and post the actual jobs themselves, but to serve as a convenient clearinghouse referring site visitors directly to needy companies’ career pages and portals where visitors can access all of the specific positions available, stated GADC CEO Mark Farris, who directed the website initiative.

“Labor availability continues to be the single biggest concern of both new and expanding industry, and we typically deal with several dozen relocating or expanding organizations adding hundreds – even thousands – of jobs annually,” said CEO Farris. “We wanted to create a simple way for website visitors and county residents to quickly see all of the companies we’ve worked with that are seeking local talent, what types of positions they are offering, and how to go about getting full details — even applying in just one or two clicks.”

“This will save job seekers from having to individually research which companies in Greenville County are seeking talented employees, then going to each individual site. By visiting, they can see several dozen organizations, their position types, and how to quickly apply for those they are interested in.”

The site also includes helpful information connecting prospective job seekers to leading staffing and recruiting firms that the GADC team regularly works with.

The “Jobs” site cross links to the main GADC website which offers a wealth of information on target industries, demographics, education, business climate, market conditions, workforce, cost of living, and a robust resources section.

“We also know that we reside in one of the best places to work and live in the Southeast, so a large emphasis of the site deals with our quality of life here in Greenville County,” said Farris. “By attracting new, highly-educated and skilled people to our area, we immediately become more attractive to industries that require a talented workforce.”

The site will be gradually expanded, and plans include encouraging the 100-plus organizations which support the GADC to link their own sites to it when they are seeking to add talented associates.

For more information on the new site visit Or visit the Greenville Area Development Corporation online at


The Greenville Area Development Corporation

The Greenville Area Development Corporation is a non-profit organization established by Greenville County Council to promote and enhance the economic growth and development of Greenville County. Since its founding in 2001, GADC efforts have resulted in the creation of more than 23,000 new jobs and more than $4 billion in capital investment in Greenville County, SC. To learn more, please visit or call (864) 235-2008.