Global Location Strategies Completes Site Selection Assignment for $250 Million Hexcel Carbon Fiber Plant

November 24, 2014

GREENVILLE, SC –  Hexcel Corporation will expand its carbon fiber production capacity through the addition of a new $250 million facility in Roussillon, France, Greenville, S.C.-based site selection consultant Global Location Strategies (GLS) has announced.

The facility sited by GLS is a key element in Hexcel’s ongoing investment to create a diversified global supply chain for the aerospace industry, company officials announced. The $250 million investment will also include the associated quality control laboratories and office space.

Hexcel has recently increased its precursor and carbon fiber capacities through targeted expansions at existing U.S. facilities, and is currently installing its industry-leading resin mixing and filming technology – first developed in Europe – in various U.S. facilities. The new facility in France is the next step in support of European customers.

The new French plant will occupy a 37 acre site at the Osiris Chemicals Industry Platform in Roussillon, which is close to Hexcel’s weaving and prepreg manufacturing facilities near Lyon. Carbon fiber from the new plant will be supplied to Hexcel customers including Airbus for the A350 XWB and Safran for the CFM LEAP engine. Construction of the new plant will begin by mid-2015 and it is expected to employ 120 people when fully operational in early 2018.

The GLS announcement of Hexcel’s facility adds to more than $2.3 billion in capital investments sited by the GLS site selection team over the past eighteen months.

“We are extremely proud of the growth in our international assignments in addition to the numerous announcements our customers have made across the United States over the past two years,” said Didi Caldwell, GLS co-founder and Senior Principal. “GLS is all about helping companies and communities make the right decisions for long term growth and prosperity, and whether that means siting a facility in the Southeastern United States or in the south of France, we take that responsibility seriously.”

Hexcel’s Chairman, CEO and President, Nick Stanage, commented: “I am delighted to announce Hexcel’s investment in our first precursor plant in Europe and our first carbon fiber capacity in France. The state of the art manufacturing facilities that we will build demonstrate our commitment to technology expansion around the world to provide an efficient global supply chain in support of customer programs. The new plant will further strengthen our customer relationships, provide greater opportunities for aerospace industry growth and reinforce Hexcel’s position as a global leader in carbon fiber composites.”

With skills honed from decades of leadership in the worldwide location services division of a major construction and engineering firm, followed by successful individual consultancies serving clients around the globe, GLS provides comprehensive site selection, incentive negotiation, real estate, and economic development consulting services to clients – along with the ability to tap the additional talents of world-class engineers, technical experts and project developers to benefit their clients.

Past clients served by firm principals include Novartis, Caesarstone, Proctor and Gamble, Thyssen Krupp, Constellium and Kemira.


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