Gov. Henry McMaster issues pro-business Executive Order reducing burdensome regulations

April 20, 2017

Governor Henry McMaster was joined by cabinet officials today to announce that he has issued Executive Order 2017-09, which provides state agencies with guidance on reducing regulations. The order is designed help maintain and expand the State’s competitive business climate.

A copy of the Executive Order can be found on the governor’s website.

“Burdensome regulations must never hurt our main street businesses or weaken South Carolina’s competitive edge in economic recruitment,” said Governor McMaster. “This Executive Order demonstrates my administration is committed to a transparent and business friendly regulatory environment that will foster growth and prosperity for all South Carolinians.”

Recognizing that businesses thrive when regulatory enforcement is transparent, consistent and independent from political influence, Governor McMaster issued this order that establishes a framework to ensure responsible regulation by taking the following steps:

• Utilizes a common sense Rotarian style four-part test before promulgating regulations
• Identifies current regulations that need elimination.
• Promotes transparency by posting all information on regulation process online.

Governor McMaster’s order furthers the work of Executive Order 2013-02, issued by former Governor Nikki Haley, requiring State agencies to participate in a regulatory review, produced beneficial reform and that there is more work to be done in making sure government doesn’t get impede the progress of any business in South Carolina.

“Coming from the private sector, Governor, I fully support your effort to create a more simplified regulatory system,” said Hartley Powell, Director of the Department of Revenue. “I know firsthand that a state’s tax regulatory environment can make or break a business’ ability to succeed and we must be careful not to burden business or harm a person’s quality of life through excessive government regulation.”

“As the State’s chief insurance regulator, I fully support Governor McMaster’s efforts to streamline the regulatory environment and increase transparency for our businesses and citizens,” said Ray Farmer, Director of the Department of Insurance. “My job is to foster a vibrant and competitive insurance market and to grow the insurance industry in our State. This Executive Order is an important too to help us meet those duties and I believe it will help us cut unnecessary and redundant regulations so that the business of insurance can thrive in South Carolina.”

“I applaud Governor McMaster for his efforts to achieve much needed South Carolina regulatory reform,” said Jim Davis, Chairman of the NFIB South Carolina Leadership Council. “I believe this Executive Order can relieve South Carolina’s small businesses of unnecessary, costly, and burdensome regulations that make it harder to do business here.”