Gov. Nikki Haley announces Kevin A. Shwedo as State Disaster Recovery Coordinator

October 19, 2015
 COLUMBIA, SC – Governor Nikki Haley announced Kevin A. Shwedo, who has served as Executive Director of the South Carolina Department of Motor Vehicles since 2011, as the State Disaster Recovery Coordinator. As State Disaster Recovery Coordinator, Shwedo will lead Team South Carolina’s long-term recovery operations in counties designated as major disaster areas in the wake of statewide flooding.

“When it comes to response, when it comes to recovery, when it comes to logistics, and when it comes to people, there is no one better who I can think of to be my point person than Colonel Shwedo,” said Gov. Nikki Haley. “This is about making sure that we continue the expeditious way that we have moved forward – not only coordinating with FEMA and not only with our state response, but we have to do it in a way that we are going into the communities and touching the people.”

The Disaster Recovery Coordinator is a position created by Executive Order 2015-26, which can be found here.

“The key is getting on the ground and finding out what’s needed,” Shwedo said. “I’ve gone out and visited all 67 DMVs… and I found out what needed to be fixed. My job is to go out and start talking to the county councils, and the mayors and the people served and do everything I can to go ahead and rectify the issues we’ve got.”

Prior to his appointment, Mr. Shwedo was the Deputy Commanding Officer of the United States Army Training Center at Fort Jackson. He retired from the United States Army on February 1, 2011 with 32 years of service. During his military career, he served in various leadership and developmental positions within the Army. His awards include the Distinguished Service Medal, two awards of the Legion of Merit, Defense Meritorious Service Medal and eight awards of the Meritorious Service Medal.
Mr. Shwedo holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Business from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (1978) and a Masters Degree in Public Administration from Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania. He was designated a Distinguished Military Graduate from Valley Forge Military Junior College in 1976. His military schooling includes the Infantry Officer Basic Course, Armor Officer Advance Course, Combined Arms and Services Staff School, Command and General Staff College, Joint Military Professional Education and the United States Army War College.