Graham Congratulates Senator-Elect Brown on Victory in Massachusetts
January 20, 2010WASHINGTON, DC – U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) tonight congratulated Republican Scott Brown for his election to the U.S. Senate from the State of Massachusetts.
Graham said: If this isn’t a rejection of backroom, sleazy political deals which amount to bribery what is?
It is virtually impossible to overstate the significance of the victory by Scott Brown. In my opinion, it is the biggest political upset in history of the United States Senate.
Today’s vote was a resounding rejection of an out-of-control Democratic agenda by one of the most sympathetic electorates in the country. This election was clearly a referendum on bad policies, not a bad candidate. The Democrats’ attempt to explain away the results with any other excuse is to ignore reality. The Obama Administration and Democrats in Congress would be wise to listen to the American people, learn from this decisive defeat, and change course.
Senator-elect Brown, who ran a fantastic campaign, will serve Massachusetts and the country well by bringing common-sense, conservative reform to Washington. He is an example of what happens when strong candidates, who know and fit their states, run smart campaigns and our party rallies to their side. He will be the decisive 41st vote to stop the government takeover of health care.
When it comes to health care reform, the message of the people of Massachusetts was very simple: stop and start over. But we must do more than kill this bill. We must find the common ground that exists and implement bipartisan solutions to address the escalating costs of health care. I pledge to do my part.