Graham, Scott Introduce Legislation to Rename Hollings Judicial Center in Charleston

April 30, 2015

CHARLESTON, SC– South Carolina’s United States Senators Lindsey Graham and Tim Scott have introduced legislation to rename the Hollings Judicial Center in Charleston as the J. Waties Waring Judicial Center.

The request to rename the facility, located at 83 Meeting Street, was made by former South Carolina Senator Ernest F. “Fritz” Hollings for whom the facility is currently named.

“I’m proud to be sponsoring legislation to rename the Hollings Judicial Center in honor of J. Waties Waring,” said Senator Graham.  “The request to rename the center came as a personal request from Senator Hollings, and I think it speaks volumes about his character and leadership.”

“I am excited to see the entire Congressional delegation come together to honor Judge Julius Waties Waring,” Senator Scott said. “Although not widely celebrated during his lifetime, Judge Waring’s contributions to the Civil Rights movement were incredibly important. History will not forget his efforts, and I am proud we are able to honor his memory in this way. I also want to thank Senator Hollings for his selfless request to change the name of the courthouse – he is truly a man of integrity and character.”

Nominated to the bench by President Franklin Roosevelt, Waring served as a federal judge in Charleston and played an important role in the early stages of the American civil rights movement.