Graham Votes Against Plan to Extend Bailouts

August 6, 2010

WASHINGTON, SC – August 6, 2010 – U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham(R-South Carolina) Thursday voted against a Democratic plan to bailoutstates.  The measure passed by a vote of 61-39.

Graham said the plan blurs the boundary between state and federal spending responsibilities. 

“The federal government is drowning in debt,” said Senator LindseyGraham.  “If we continue to spend at this current pace while increasingtaxes in the process, it’s going to be impossible for future generationsto do better than their parents.  We are mortgaging their future.”

“The idea of the federal government bailing out the states is, in thelong run, a bad deal for federalism and the American taxpayer, saidGraham. The Democrats’ plan is paid for with phony offsets that raisetaxes, and it is another bad precedent for the federal government to besetting.”