Greenville's New Pilot Shop Naming Contest

May 2, 2012

GREENVILLE, SC – May 2, 2012 – The Greenville Downtown Airport will soon have its own pilot shop, statedJoe Frasher, Airport Director for the Greenville Downtown Airport (GMU). 

The Internet can be an okay place to order pilot supplies as long as you don’tmind waiting, hoping you get the correct item and if it’s not broken whenit arrives. But, if you’re in the market for a new headset, you need a chart orflashlight for your flight today or want to look at, touch, test or picksomeones brain on a new product, the Internet is not the place for thesepurposes. Our new pilot shop will provide supplies for our local pilots as wellas those who fly in, Frasher said.

I like to boat on Lake Hartwell, people buy items all the time at themarine shops where they buy fuel, stated Hank Brown, Owner of Greenville JetCenter, the aviation fuel provider at GMU.  A shop at an airport is thesame concept.  Up until now, we sold fuel but didn’t have a store withpilot supplies.  Now at the Greenville Downtown Airport we will havea place for pilots to get items, which makes sense considering GMU is thebusiest General Aviation Airport in South Carolina, Brown added.
The shop will have all the common pilot gear like flashlights, flightbags, calculators, batteries, charts, maps, fuel testers, aviation trainingbooks and educational materials, stated Michele Rash, Managing Partner of thesoon to be opened pilot shop.  It will also have iPads loaded andready to go and training will be provided. Additionally, the shop will sellcoffee produced by ‘Flying High Coffee’, and cookies produced locally. Proceedsfrom the sale of these items will benefit youth in aviation programs. statedRash.
The pilot shop will open in early May and we would like help naming it. Weare looking for original and creative names. So far the names underconsideration are Waypoints, Spinners, Flight Supply and Flight Bag. We want tohear your ideas. After all, without you, it will be impossible to have a standalone pilot shop. Email your name ideas to [email protected] . If you submit the winning name, youwill win a $100 gift certificate to the new pilot store! The name will be chosenafter the contest ends on May 31st.
GMU has four flight schools and soon their trainees will be able to buytheir supplies locally! I can’t wait to get it open and running! Frasherexclaimed. 
For more information about the new pilot shop please contact Michele Rashat 864-224-7440.
Greenville Jet Center is an F.B.O that has been in business since1989.  The company owns two other FBOs in South Carolina:  Camden JetCenter in Camden and Donaldson Jet Center on Donaldson Field which is part ofSCTAC located in Greenville.  For more information about the Greenville JetCenter, please contact Hank Brown or Jay Brown at 864-235-6383 or 864-232-7100.


Pictured: Michele Rash (left) and Shane Martin, who will be the new store’s manager.

About The Greenville Downtown Airport
The Greenville Downtown Airport (GMU) is the busiest general aviationairport in South Carolina and is a self-sufficient entity with financialstrength that doesn’t rely on local taxpayers for funding. GMU is home toGreenville Jet Center, the largest Fixed Base Operation (FBO) in S.C., as wellas more than 25 other aviation-related businesses creating 453 jobs thatannually contribute more than $35.2 million to the Upstate economy. For moreinformation about GMU please visit or contact JoeFrasher at 864-242-4777 or [email protected].