Haynsworth Sinkler Boyd, P.A. Ranked #1 Bond Counsel in South Carolina
February 17, 2009Law firm also named to Top 10 in Southeast by bond industry’s newspaper
CHARLESTON, COLUMBIA, FLORENCE, GREENVILLE, SC, & WASHINGTON, DC – February 17, 2009 – Haynsworth Sinkler Boyd’s Public Finance Practice Group is ranked first among bond counsel in South Carolina for 2008, according to The Bond Buyer (February 12, 2009 issue). The daily newspaper serving the nation’s municipal bond industry has placed the Firm first for South Carolina for four of the last five years. The Firm served as bond counsel for over $1.77 billion of bond sales, placing it in the top ten in the Southeast for 2008.
Anne S. Ellefson, managing director of Haynsworth Sinkler Boyd, said, “Our bond attorneys have extensive experience in crafting creative financing models, which have taken advantage of the changes in markets this past year and which are continuing into 2009. It is most gratifying to work with such committed attorneys of national stature. This ranking further demonstrates that our clients have confidence in our ability to provide the depth of service that is needed to assist them in unprecedented economic times.”
Greenville attorney Robert S. Galloway III leads Haynsworth Sinkler Boyd’s Public Finance Group, which has consistently ranked among the largest municipal bond practices in the Southeast. Our fifteen attorneys have served as bond counsel, special tax counsel, underwriter’s counsel, letter of credit bank counsel and derivatives counsel in connection with billions of dollars of tax-exempt bond issues for general government, utility, healthcare, housing, schools, colleges and universities, public power, transportation, manufacturing, waste disposal, and energy projects.
Haynsworth Sinkler Boyd also has received national recognition due to public finance attorney and shareholder, Kathleen C. (Kathy) McKinney. Based in the Firm’s Greenville office, she currently is president-elect of the National Association of Bond Lawyers (NABL), a 3,000-member organization.
The Firm’s Public Finance Practice Group is comprised of these attorneys in these cities:
Haynsworth Sinkler Boyd, P.A.
134 Meeting Street, Charleston, South Carolina 29401
PHONE: 843.722.3366
Allyson J. Abernathy
Carol L. Clark
Jeremy L. Cook
Charlton deSaussure, Jr.
F. Mitchell Johnson, Jr.
John Paul Trouche
Haynsworth Sinkler Boyd, P.A.
1201 Main Street, 22nd Floor, Columbia, South Carolina 29201
PHONE: 803.779.3080
Theodore B. DuBose
B. Eric Shytle
John K. Van Duys
Haynsworth Sinkler Boyd, P.A.
1831 W. Evans Street, Suite 315, Florence, South Carolina 29501
PHONE: 843.669.6002
Benjamin T. Zeigler
Haynsworth Sinkler Boyd, P.A.
75 Beattie Place, Eleventh Floor, Greenville, South Carolina 29601
PHONE: 864.240.3200
Robert S. Galloway III
Bradford L. Love
Kathleen C. McKinney
E. Tyler Smith
Stephen J. Wunder, Jr.
About the Firm
Haynsworth Sinkler Boyd, P.A. provides business, litigation, financial legal services, and government relations services to national and international clients. With a history dating back more than 100 years, it is one of the largest law firms in the Carolinas with more than 140 attorneys. The Firm has offices in Charleston, Columbia, Florence, and Greenville, South Carolina, and Washington, D.C.
For more information, visit www.HSBLAWFIRM.com.