Help Make the July 4th Lake Murray Fireworks the Best Yet

May 21, 2015

Help make Lake Murray Fireworks the BEST yet, click here!


Give a brief history of the fireworks at Lake Murray.

Miriam Atria:
The fireworks on Lake Murray were created by Miriam Atria, President/CEO, Capital City Lake Murray Country Regional Tourism Board, to create a signature event for Lake Murray. The event will be 26 years old this July 4th. Thousands of visitors come to Lake Murray for this special holiday to enjoy the show.

What is unique and special about the event?

Miriam Atria:
The event is special and unique in that the two fireworks shows are viewable from four counties which is the “region” that Capital City/Lake Murray Country promotes. When created, the organization felt this would be one event the community would share and take pride in supporting. Also unique to the event is that music airs through the Cumulus Network stations and is synchronized to the fireworks every year.

Explain some of the logistics of putting on an event like this.

Miriam Atria:
The fireworks are shot from two locations – the one on Spence Island involves getting a crane to unload the fireworks, the entire set-up and staging of the event takes months to prepare for as area law enforcement, security, SC Department of Natural Resources, SC State Fire Marshall as well as Newberry & Lexington County Fire Marshalls are involved.

How is the event financed?

Miriam Atria:
Capital City/Lake Murray Country raises 100% of the funds from the fireworks through corporate sponsors, A Taste of Lake Murray, resident donations and new this year the online campaign through tilt. We encourage citizens who love the parade and show to get involved – decorate their boats and join the parade – visit and also make a donation today!

What is new and exciting this year?

Miriam Atria:
New this year – there will be TWO laser shows as well. Spence Island and Dreher Island State Park. The Lake Radio Station will be at Dreher to provide the airing of the music program.


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Click here to see the video:

CCLMC thanks Lexington Medical Center and SCE&G for sponsoring the show every year!

Help make Lake Murray Fireworks the BEST yet, click here!

