How to double your productivity

May 8, 2019
Jerry Bellune

By Jerry Bellune


Our friend Andrea Nierenberg shared with us these ways she makes her 24 hours each day more productive:

Awaken 10 minutes early and you’ll be surprised to discover how much time you have created through those extra minutes.

You can start a project, connect online, write a note to people in your network, catch up on important reading or exercise.

Ask yourself these 5 questions:

1. How much of my time is spent with clients or people in my network?
2. Do I confirm appointments?
3. Is my paperwork done completely?
4. Am I willing to meet with people at their convenience instead of mine?
5. Do I frequently have productive coffee and lunch meetings with my network?

 To help yourself list:

1. All the ways you waste time and how you will stop doing them.
2. How you can be more productive.

Time can be your best friend and worst enemy. It keeps moving, so use it wisely.
Don’t multi-task. You’ll make mistakes.

When someone meets with you, give them your undivided attention. Always ask, “How much time do we need right now?”

We share such ideas in “Maverick Entrepreneurs’ Million Dollar Strategies.”

For a $20 personally autographed copy, contact us at 803-359-7633 or email [email protected]
Copyright 2019, The Bellune Co., Inc.