Indie Craft Parade Extends Boundaries

May 29, 2014

GREENVILLE, SC – Indie Craft Parade announces it will host its fifth annual festival this fall and for the first time, expand its territory for qualifying artists. This juried show recognizes excellence in handcrafted art, featuring the work of 75+ artists during a three-day event each September. In past years, artist applications have been limited to 11 Southeastern states. This year, the call for entries will extend to artists from all Southern states, as defined by the US Census. The more formal definition of the South includes 17 states along historic and geographic boundaries.

“I believe that extending our reach is in line with the overall creative renaissance in the South. I love that artists like those who exhibit at Indie Craft Parade are reinventing Southern creative culture, and it seems natural to open up more opportunities to creative hubs like Austin, Houston, or D.C.”, says director Jen Moreau.

Indie Craft Parade will be held September 12-14, 2014 and begins accepting artist applications online June 1. Applications can be submitted through June 22, and all Southern crafters, artisans, designers and makers are encouraged to submit their work for consideration. Entry fee information, rules and guidelines are now available at