Inspiring others

July 18, 2024

By Jeff Becraft


The other day at Our Place of Hope, someone threw out a question about what’s one thing lately you’ve done to improve your life. One person responded that they were trying to get some things organized where they live. This resonated with me quite a bit. If you saw the top of my desk, you would understand why… not to mention that my garage looks like Walmart threw up in it.

That very day, I decided to take action on at least one thing. I have a file box that is made of  heavy duty cardboard. I’m not entirely sure where I even got it. But I carry it home each night. I do that so in case I need to work from home, I’ve got several important files with me that allows me to do that.

The problem is, I have been throwing files in that thing left and right and over time, it has become disorganized. To even find something I have to go rummaging around in it, which is not usually how I operate when it comes to files. But because of what this person said, I took some time and I went through things in that file box and got rid of the files I didn’t need to be carrying back and forth to home. Those files are now in the file cabinet where they belong.

This was all inspired by one person. A person who has been told by society that because they have a mental illness, they really have nothing to offer. Imagine…

Well, that person inspires me and does so on a regular basis.

Whether we realize it or not, we have an influence on one another. And when we simply take positive steps or positive actions or say encouraging words to one another, we are inspiring people around us.

This person had no idea the impact that they had had on me. But the next time we got together I said in front of everybody how that person had inspired me and what a difference it had made. That has led to a chain reaction where another member yesterday typed up a month-long grid and this is going to be a checkoff sheet for members who want to work on a goal in their lives. Whatever that goal is, they can write it at the top of that sheet and we are going to encourage everyone to take 15 minutes a day… just 15 minutes… and work towards that goal.

This all got started simply because of the encouraging actions and words of one person… and that person is inspiring other people around them.

So, as we go through this day, think about what positive steps you can take in your own life… and without any big fanfare or anything else… it may be something that inspires people around you.

It’s a great day to have a great day!


Jeff Becraft is the Director of Our Place of Hope and the Director Emeritus for Youth Corps and has dedicated much of his life to helping shift the vision of people’s lives. Our Place of Hope is a paradigm shift for people living with mental illness that encourages them to regain meaning, purpose, and hope for their lives. You can connect with Jeff at  [email protected].