JDA Ad Declared “Single Best Political Message of 2009”
April 7, 2009CHARLESTON, SC – April 7, 2009 – In the ongoing effort to most effectively frame political messages, an ad created and produced by Jim Dyke & Associates (JDA) is breaking through the clutter. During a live FOX News interview discussing public reactions to political ads expressing all points of view, nationally renowned communications and market research guru, Frank Luntz proclaimed “Mystery Solved” as “the single best political message of 2009.”
Luntz went on to state, “Its unprecedented success among both Republicans and Democrats is because it struck a raw nerve. Americans of all stripes want answers — and they don’t like it when those answers aren’t forthcoming.
When the ad was shown to Americans of various political stripes, the reaction from the instant response dials was “off the charts” with all groups.
Laura Crawford, JDA Vice President and producer of “Mystery Solved” responded, “the communications arena has been radically altered due to our ability to deliver instant and compelling messages to targeted audiences. It is more important than ever that we, as message professionals, create ads that penetrate and motivate – we are proud this ad does just that.
To view the “Mystery Solved” video, click here.
About JDA
Jim Dyke & Associates is a strategic communications firm founded in 2005 to address the growing challenges faced by small businesses, corporations, non-profits and political interests when trying to utilize both traditional and non-traditional strategies in their communications efforts. In 2009, Jim Dyke & Associates merged with the Crawford Creative advertising firm to create a fully integrated public affairs and marketing company. For more information, visit www.dykeassociates.com.