Kayela Clark selected to lead Lambs Elementary School

July 3, 2024

Charleston County School District (CCSD) announced Kayela Clark as principal at Lambs Elementary School. Clark has served as the assistant principal at E.B. Ellington Elementary School since 2021.

Clark first joined CCSD in 2007 as a teacher at W.B. Goodwin Elementary School in North Charleston. After five years in the classroom, Clark transitioned to become the school’s master reading teacher where she collaborated with school leaders to develop and implement intervention plans for students and coached kindergarten and first-grade teachers.

Recognized for her skills as an educator and mentor, Clark was selected to become one of the district’s personalized learning coaches in 2013. In this
role, Clark worked closely with school stakeholders to develop a school-wide vision, develop and implement a three-year strategic plan for personalized
learning, establish feedback loops and coaching cycles for teachers and administration, and design and deliver personalized professional development. Her efforts ultimately helped Pepperhill Elementary School become a nationally recognized model school for personalized learning during her three years in the role.