Landmark Enterprises Represented Landlord in North Charleston lease to Simplex Grinnell, LP

October 30, 2014

NORTH CHARLESTON, SC – Bart J. Langlois, CCIM and Glenn S. Goodwin of Landmark Enterprises Brokerage Group, Inc. represented the Landlord Remount Venture, LLC in the lease of a 11,117 sq.ft. Office/Flex to Simplex Grinnell, LP located at 1141 Remount Road North Charleston, SC. The tenant was represented by Bob Barrineau and Brendan Redeyoff of CBRE.


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Landmark Enterprises 

Established in 1974, Landmark Enterprises is a full-service provider of commercial and industrial real estate needs to the Southeastern United States. Today, Landmark Enterprises services are offered to domestic and international clients. Through our powerful networks and professional team, we have the expertise, technology and key relationships necessary to ensure success.