Lee Mashburn of Mashburn Construction Apppointed Chair of the Urban Land Institute
September 30, 2008COLUMBIA, SC – September 30, 2008 – H. Lee Mashburn, a Vice President at Mashburn Construction, has been appointed chair of the Midlands Region of the South Carolina District Council of the Urban Land Institute (ULI South Carolina), a 501(3)c nonprofit research and education organization supported by its members.
Mr. Mashburn has served on the organization’s statewide executive committee since 2006 and is a graduate of the ULI South Carolina Center for Sustainable Leadership founding class. The mission of the ULI is to provide leadership in the responsible use of land and in creating and sustaining thriving communities.
The South Carolina District Council, which has over 625 members and is chaired by LS3P’s Tom Hund, AIA, focuses on issues related to quality of growth and development, pursuing a statewide vision for responsible land use in recognition of the distinct qualities of the Upstate, the Midlands, and the Coastal regions of South Carolina. As the preeminent, multidisciplinary real estate forum, ULI facilitates the open exchange of ideas, information, and experience among local, national and international industry leaders and policy makers dedicated to creating better places.