Local Business Owner, Pamela Evette, Fights for South Carolina Tax Credit Eligibility for Growing Businesses

May 27, 2015

TRAVELERS REST, SC – Pamela Evette, President & CEO of Quality Business Solutions, was recently appointed by Governor Nikki Haley to the Commission of the Department of Consumer Affairs. Alongside this appointment, she was also called upon by NAPEO (National Association of Professional Employer Organizations) to testify as an industry expert to South Carolina House of Representatives and Senate Subcommittees on House Bill 3739 (SC H3739) and Senate Bill 493 (S. 493).

On Wednesday, May 20, 2015, Evette spoke on behalf of South Carolina PEOs (Professional Employer Organizations) and the SC businesses with whom they do business.

In her testimony before the Subcommittees, Evette explained: “PEOs handle all payroll, benefits, 401K, human resources, and tax reporting for small businesses – essentially becoming the back office for these organizations. As businesses grow and look for ways to improve processes, procedures and offerings, a PEO can make a significant impact in their chances for success.”

Currently, organizations who utilize the services of a PEO cannot access various tax credits due to their relationship with the PEO. “When credits are not given to these businesses, they are forced to make a tough decision between offering better benefits to employees or receiving tax credits” said Evette. Being a strong advocate for South Carolina’s business growth, Evette stressed to the House and Senate Subcommittees that this is not a choice South Carolina businesses should have to make.

South Carolina House Bill 3739 and Senate Bill 493 would allow a tax credit provision that would allow PEO clients to access various tax credits offered to SC businesses. Evette’s charge was to show cause as to why the two aforementioned bills should be passed. Following the session, both bills were passed by Senate and House Subcommittees and will go on to a full vote before the full SC House of Representatives and Senate.


About QBS

Founded in 2000, Quality Business Solutions, Inc. (QBS) provides a wide and comprehensive range of benefits and services that can be tailored to meet your company’s individual needs. A woman-owned business, QBS is a cost effective outsource solution for non-core business functions. Their integrated PEO/ASO services include such areas as payroll administration, unemployment management, insurance, benefit administration, human resources, workers’ compensation, tax reporting and more. For more information, visit www.qualitybsolutions.net.