Love Where You Live: A Philanthropic Partnership

October 16, 2015

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From JoAnn Turnquist: In the aftermath of the recent floods, the kindness of neighbors and strangers alike has been demonstrated over and over again throughout our region – philanthropy in action.  Although it will take time to recover and rebuild, it is important to celebrate the first steps we have taken towards that goal.

Best of Philanthropy is a celebration of giving back. Each year, the Foundation partners with our friends at Columbia Metropolitan Magazine to present the Best of Philanthropy Awards event. This event celebrates and honors ordinary people doing extraordinary service in the community.

It is my honor to introduce our partners, Henry and Emily Clay, editors of Columbia Metropolitan Magazine, long-time supporters of the Foundation, and our next guest writers in our “Love Where You Live Series.”





Love Where You Live: A Philanthropic Partnership

By Henry and Emily Clay


It is our great pleasure to feature the 6th Annual Best of Screen Shot 2015-10-16 at 11.38.01 PMPhilanthropy Awards in our November issue of Columbia Metropolitan Magazine. We have once again partnered with the Central Carolina Community Foundation to honor ordinary people doing extraordinary service for their community. In celebration, we will present four awards at our annual event showcasing the work these people have tirelessly performed. The Columbia region is fortunate to have an abundance of selfless people who make it a priority to help others.

One of the most important missions of Columbia Metropolitan Magazine is to foster the spirit of giving. While we have strived to make promoting philanthropy a regular part of our editorial throughout our 25 years of publishing CMM, we decided, six years ago, to expand the effort. In looking for a partner to help us, the Central Carolina Community Foundation was an easy choice.

Through the foresight of several business leaders in the mid 1980s, CCCF was born with the purpose of enhancing the lives of those less fortunate and to truly make a difference in the Midlands community. With an initial investment of $25,000 CCCF has grown to more than $100 million in assets. The first 17 grants were awarded in 1989 for a total of $100,000. This investment has steadily increased over the years to $13 million in 2014 awarded to hundreds of grants and scholarships. In the past 25 years, more than $100 million have been invested into the Midlands community.

Certainly the Clay family has found CCCF to be most helpful with the organization and ease of our annual giving plan. When Helen, our youngest daughter, was required to complete community service hours as part of her high-school curriculum, she researched the possibility of starting a charity to bring teddy bears to sick children in the hospital. However, the legal hurdles and cost seemed insurmountable. She then called JoAnn Turnquist at CCCF who came to her assistance in alleviating the start-up impediments, which allowed Helen to devote her time and energy to raising funds and building teddy bears. Now in college, Helen still works on her charity, called Helen’s Hugs, and keeps in regular touch with the Foundation. This is a remarkable example of how CCCF works to encourage and foster youth participation in philanthropy. Philanthropy, like most things in life, when taught at a young age will stick with us throughout adulthood.

The Central Carolina Community Foundation is a testament to just how much we all care for Columbia and the Midlands. Join us Nov. 5 at 6 p.m. at 701 Whaley for a wonderful evening celebrating the good works that some of our finest Columbians have done for others.


Emily and Henry Clay






JoAnn M. Turnquist is the President & CEO of Central Carolina Community Foundation, a nonprofit organization that links charitable people and businesses with areas of need in the Midlands. To learn more about the Foundation and view more blog posts, visit



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