Martha Franks Retirement Community Announces Facility Tour

June 2, 2021

Martha Franks Retirement Community is excited to be opening their community for a special tour.  While they have continued during the pandemic to offer virtual tours during the pandemic of all areas of our campus, nothing takes the place of in person tours.

Martha Franks is opening their facility for individual tours by appointment on Thursday, June 17th and Friday June 18th.  Individuals interested in touring the facility are encouraged to call as soon as possible to reserve your spot.

“While we understand most everything is opening up and larger groups can gather, we are still very committed to keeping our residents safe.  We feel the safety measures and protocols put into place at the very beginning were a tremendous benefit and our community has truly been blessed, said Lynn McQueen, Director of Marketing. “To date, there have been NO positive cases of COVID in our skilled nursing, only 5 cases in assisted living and all have recovered.  In addition, we continue with a very low percentage rate of our staff testing positive as well.”

This is a great opportunity for anyone who has interest in seeing Martha Franks Retirement Community. It is rare to have availability to the patio homes, so the focus for the event will include a tour of a patio home.

Come see what Martha Franks Retirement Community is all about and while you’re there, enjoy some lemonade on the veranda of the Historic Villa. Those touring the facility will also be able to come inside the Villa still adorned with Christmas decorations from a completed renovation in December of 2019, but currently not opened to the general public. To schedule a time to tour the facility please call 864-681-8235.