Mauldin residents support roads plan

October 21, 2014

MAULDIN, SC – Area residents gathered today on Butler Road to voice their support for a November 4 roads referendum while also hitting on some key facts that voters will be deciding on.

The group of people came to Citizens for a Better Greenville to help with getting their stories told because too much misinformation is being spread in the community.

“We know not everyone agrees with the plan. We can respect the thoughts and decisions of our fellow citizens,” said Jonathan Whitehead, a Mauldin attorney whose offices served as the backdrop for the rally. “But we cannot tolerate the people who are out there lying to voters and trying to cause fear.”

Some of the facts and realities of the November 4 referendum are:

• 1,209 miles of roads will be repaved.
• 75 roads and intersections will be widened or improved.
• 23 bridges will be rehabilitated.
• 100 sidewalks will be expanded and improved – especially around schools.
• Voting no means nothing will change, cars will depreciate faster and require more repair, and Columbia will still charge for taxes with no intention of helping Greenville.

“Enough is enough,” Whitehead said. “Our community can take charge of its future or it can just decide to remain the same. I vote for taking charge.”
Citizens for a Better Greenville is a coalition of Greenville residents that is working to pass the November one-cent sales tax referendum. The tax is limited to a period of eight years, and will fund needed road and infrastructure improvement projects including road resurfacing, intersection improvements, bridge improvements, and sidewalks around schools. The group lists safety, economic development, quality of life and monetary control of roads funding as key reasons to pass the referendum.

Go to and click on the November Referendum to read the entire list of projects.
About The Citizens for a Better Greenville County

The Citizens for a Better Greenville County is a local initiative to allow all Greenville residents the opportunity to decide the best way to fund infrastructure improvements county wide. Learn more at