MeetingPoint to host an event on human ethics

June 5, 2015

GREENVILLE, SC – If ethical dilemmas have no simple yes-or-no resolutions, is it possible to define ethical treatment?

That is the question MeetingPoint plans to answer at its next event.

Each month, MeetingPoint hosts an event in the community to learn and dialogue about relevant topics in the interfaith community. This month, Dr. Carmela Epright will be speaking about an ethical study in alleviating human suffering, specifically focusing on the treatment of mentally ill and criminally mentally ill individuals.

The event will take place at Hughes Main Library in downtown Greenville on Tuesday, June 23, 6:30 8 p.m. Admission is free with no reservations required.

M. Carmela Epright is a Professor of Philosophy at Furman University and a Clinical Professor of Neuropsychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at the University of South Carolina School of Medicine. She received her M.A. and Ph.D. degrees from Loyola University in Chicago. Dr. Epright has served as a visiting scholar to the Medical University of South Carolina, the University of South Carolina Medical School’s Center for Bioethics and Medical Humanities and to the Institute for Applied Ethics at Dartmouth College. She was awarded the Alester G. Furman, Jr. and Janie Earle Furman Award for Meritorious Teaching in 2004.

Dr. Epright teaches courses in ethics, bioethics, gender and sexuality studies and the philosophy of psychology. In addition to her work as a professor, she serves as a clinical ethicist and ethics consultant to numerous medical entities in South Carolina. Dr. Epright has published articles in bioethics, psychiatry, moral theory and philosophy of law, and her current research is focused on the evaluation and treatment of the criminally mentally ill.


About MeetingPoint

MeetingPoint is a United Interfaith Community, drawing together people of goodwill in prayer, study, fellowship and compassionate service. MeetingPoint is a direct outgrowth of Greenville’s Year of Altruism (YOA), which has taken our community to new heights of compassion, civic awareness, and social action. Learn more at