Midlands Technical College to Go Smoke and Tobacco Free in January

December 10, 2014

COLUMBIA, SC – Beginning January 2015, smoking or using tobacco will be prohibited on all Midlands Technical College (MTC) property.  This includes all tobacco-derived or containing products.

The new policy does not apply to nicotine replacement therapy such as patches or other products that are designed to assist tobacco users to quit tobacco.

“Smoking and tobacco use have long been recognized as major causes of death and disease,” said MTC president Dr. Marshall White, Jr.  “We felt that it was important for Midlands Technical College to make this change to become a healthier place for all to teach, learn and work.”

Previously, smoking on MTC campuses was restricted to designated areas.

MTC is promoting smoking and tobacco use awareness, prevention, and cessation programs through its wellness programs, and is offering resources and support to students and employees who desire to quit or abstain from smoking or using tobacco.