The Mike and Thelma King Foundation donation to Palmetto Place Children’s Shelter
May 13, 2016As a tribute to their lives and wishes, The Mike and Thelma King Foundation was formed after their passing, in September 2012. The foundation was established in their honor by their surviving siblings to benefit citizens of the United States, St. Maarten and other countries whose families experience tragedy while traveling abroad as well as supporting those in need, not limited to underprivileged children and battered women shelters.
The foundations funding comes only from proceeds generated from the sale of Topper’s Rhum, a rum and distribution company they owned and helped build, as well as other events held in their honor. Topper’s Rhum is locally owned and operated by their families and friends.
This year one of the recipients was Columbia’s Palmetto Place Children’s Shelter. Savanna Neeley, a friend and Project Leader for the Gamecocks for Kids – a senior Captsone project at the University of South Carolina – Arnold School of Public Health, made the foundation aware of this worthy charity and it’s need for donations to assist with the needs of the homeless, abuse children and teens.
The Mike and Thelma King Foundation was honored to present a donation. Pictured our Colden King, nephew of Mike and Thelma King and 2014 USC graduate, and Savanna Neeley, 2016 USC, Arnold School of Public Health graduate and Grace Bennett, Project Cordinator for Palmetto Place Children’s Shelter.