More Charleston families “Go Public:” CCSD student enrollment increases

September 3, 2024

West Ashley High School enrollment over 2,000 for first time since 2006 school year

Charleston County School District (CCSD) has seen an increase in the enrollment of students at the start of the 2024-25 school year. This increase comes on the heels of historic achievement results, a first-of-its-kind weighted student funding formula designed to provide additional resources to students, and a significant investment in teacher and staff compensation. CCSD’s 10-day student count for the current school year is 50,780 compared to last year’s 10-day count of 49,899.

Although numerous schools across the district, including in five of eight geographic areas have experienced enrollment growth, the district is particularly proud to highlight three schools that stand out.

North Charleston High School

North Charleston High School Principal Henry Darby takes immense pride in the significant rise in student enrollment, which marks the culmination of years of dedicated effort and community engagement.

“This surge in enrollment is a powerful testament to the exceptional work of our teachers and school administrators at North Charleston High School,” said Darby. “Without any rezoning or redistricting, families are choosing to return here because they see the vibrant, supportive culture we’ve cultivated. They want to be a part of the exciting developments at our school, drawn by the positive stories they’ve heard about the transformative experiences we offer.”

R.B. Stall High School

R.B. Stall High School has experienced the largest increase in enrollment in the county. Principal Steve Larson finds the greatest satisfaction in seeing all of his students together under one roof, like a big family. Reflecting on the growth, Larson acknowledges the challenges but is overwhelmingly optimistic about Stall’s future.

“I can’t wait for the new addition to our facility, but like any proud parent, I am most fulfilled by this very full house of unique students,” Larson shared. “We’ve worked especially hard to create a space where students feel loved, seen, and supported. These aren’t just buzzwords at Stall—our school has a true sense of home and heart.”

Larson believes that students are returning to Stall because of the safe and nurturing environment the school has fostered, making it a place where families feel at home.

West Ashley High School

Following a years-long concerted effort to build a strong sense of community and school identity, West Ashley High School is experiencing a renewed sense of pride and excitement among its students and staff. School leaders have been intentional in celebrating every aspect of life at WAHS—from athletics to the enhancement of its already robust academic programs—while uniting the community around this neighborhood school. For the first time in decades, enrollment has surpassed 2,000 students.

“I am thrilled to see what the future holds for West Ashley High School,” said Principal, Dr. Andy Brandt. “This growth has been a long time coming, and it’s exciting to witness the Wildcat Nation emerging as a force to be reckoned with.”

“It’s an exciting time in CCSD; I’m delighted to see the return to our neighborhood schools,” said Superintendent Anita Huggins. “This increase is a testament to the dedication of exceptional teachers and leaders whose enthusiasm and commitment have driven historic gains in student achievement and who have, as importantly, fostered communities of learners where our students can grow and thrive. It’s clear that more and more families are recognizing the value and success of CCSD and choosing the system to educate their children and young adults.”

For additional information, please contact CCSD’s Office of Communications at (843) 937-6303.