Mullikin has a “rare dedication” to country making him best for U.S. Congress

March 29, 2017

By COL John N. Tobin (Ret.)

While I rarely endorse candidate for political offices, I feel that in the case of Tom Mullikin it is necessary as his comments not only to his country, state and community are exceptionally noteworthy, but his unselfish contributions to the Special Forces community – that I have personally witnessed and been involved in – have been above and beyond that expected of any citizen. It shows a dedication to his country that is rare at best. Tom is an extraordinary candidate; having distinguished himself as a local community leader and businessman where he has given of himself – including vast amounts of time, money, and other resources – to help those in his community, state and nation.

Tom and his wife Virginia Ann have made these contributions without need or desire for any form of return, attribution or recognition.

Tom has assisted the Special Forces in providing ongoing financial support for the Montagnard people of Vietnam who fought beside us Green Berets there, and now assist in training our current troops in working with indigenous forces. The Montagnards have honored Tom for this support and he continues to work with them.

In addition, Tom and his family “adopted” two Special Forces “A” detachments, brought them to Camden, where he and the community treated them like visiting royalty, a great weekend for men deploying to the battle area, and their families. For this and many other activities, Tom has been recognized by the South Carolina Chapter of the Special Forces Association which bestowed upon him the title, “Honorary Green Beret.”

Tom’s tremendous support has also been recognized by the U.S. Army Special Forces Association’s national headquarters for “outstanding contributions to the Special Forces Regiment and the Special Forces Association, and continued support of the American Armed Forces.” His support further reflect the highest tribute to “patriotism and… dedication to ensuring that future generations will know the sacrifices made by their forebears to keep America free.”

As has been said, Tom’s “willingness to support our regiment illustrate the principle that America was built and kept free by ordinary men and women willing to do extraordinary deeds in service to their country, as long as they have the support of their friends and their community.”

Tom, a veteran U.S. Army officer, was also awarded U.S. Army basic parachutist badge by a U.S. Army Special Operations jumpmaster. These wings were in addition to the many foreign airborne wings he was previously awarded.

As a soldier, Tom has served as an international legal officer with the 360th Civil Affairs Brigade (Airborne) – a component of the U.S. Army Special Operations Command – before taking the reins of and remarkably transforming the S.C. State Guard; an historic military organization first commanded by Brigadier General Francis Marion (widely held to be the father of unconventional warfare). Major General (SC) Tom Mullikin has helped lead this historic force into a position of national prominence as one of the premier state defense forces in the United States where he also serves as president of the national association.

I am confident, if and when he is elected, that Tom Mullikin will take with him to Washington his tremendous sense of duty, service, conviction and dedication to strict constitutional values as a new member of the U.S. House of Representatives. And so I encourage your strongest consideration and support of a great patriot, community and state leader, father and grandfather.

– COL John N. Tobin is a retired U.S. Army Special Forces officer.

[Neither the military information nor photographs imply endorsement by the U.S. Department of Defense or the U.S. Army.]