Municipal Association of SC recognized with awards for outreach and communications projects

May 14, 2012

COLUMBIA, SC – MAY 14, 2012 – Outreach and communications projectscreated by the Municipal Association of South Carolina have beenrecognized for excellence by two statewide organizations. TheAssociation received five awards at the Mercury Awards sponsored by the SC Chapter of the Public Relations Society of America and two Best in the Business awards from the SC Society of Association Executives.
The Association’s member newsletter is published monthly and featuresarticles, tips and feature stories regarding effective governance. Its“at a glance” style and focus on specific issues lets readers quicklybrowse the articles or hold on to them for future reference.

  • Mercury Award for newsletters 12 pages or less – this is the fifth consecutive year Uptown has been recognized by SCPRSA
  • Best in the Business Award
The Association’s website is a one-stop-shop for local electedofficials, policy makers, the media and the public to quickly findinformation about anything related to municipal government in SouthCarolina

  • SCPRSA Mercury Award for corporate websites – this is the fifthconsecutive year the Association’s website has been recognized by SCPRSA
  • SCSAE Best in the Business

Cities Mean Business magazine
This bi-annual magazine is published in partnership with SC Biz magazineto focus on the role of South Carolina cities and towns to create theenvironment that brings job creation and growth to the state.

  • SCPRSA Mercury Award for advertorials – this is the fourth consecutive year Cities Mean Business has been recognized by SCPRSA

Raising Hometown Voices to a New Level of Influence, an Advocacy Guide for Hometown Leaders

This handbook was intended to be a “one-stop shop” for elected officialsto learn about the nuts and bolts of participating in the legislativeprocess and engaging their residents and key influencers in advocacyefforts.

  • SCPRSA Mercury Award of Merit for single brochure or publication
  • Column – Training Essential to Well-Run Cities (ran in the Columbia Business Monthly)
  • This is one of four quarterly columns that focuses on an aspect ofthe Municipal Association’s  services to help readers better understandthe behind the-scenes mechanics of  delivering quality and reliablecity services. 
  • SCPRSA Mercury Award of Merit for writing