Municipal Association of South Carolina Honors Eight Cities and Towns with Achievement Awards
July 16, 2014COLUMBIA, SC – Eight South Carolina cities and towns won an Achievement Award from the Municipal Association of SC. These awards for innovative projects were presented at the Association’s 74th Annual Meeting on July 12. The following cities and towns won an award in each category (releases including photos and a video about the individual projects are linked below).
Population 1-1,000: Town of Ridgeway – “One Tank Town” promotion
Population 1,001-5,000: City of Manning – Gibbons Street Park
Population 5,001-10,000: City of Lancaster – 15th Street Project
Population 10,001-20,000: City of Conway – Neighborhood revitalization project
Economic Development: City of Greer – Inland port
Public Safety: City of Orangeburg – Crime lab partnership with Claflin University
Public Service: City of Rock Hill – iRoc initiative
Public Works: City of Florence – Wastewater treatment plant
These winning entries represent innovative projects undertaken by Municipal Association member cities and towns. More information and a video about the project are available on the Association’s website.
The Municipal Association of South Carolina initiated the Achievement Awards in 1987 to recognize and encourage innovations and excellence in local government.