New National certification for Richland Two Magnet Programs

August 30, 2024

Four magnet programs in Richland School District Two are continuing to earn top honors from Magnet Schools of America (MSA). The Montessori Magnet at Pontiac Elementary School, Forest Lake Elementary NASA Explorer School, the Elementary Learning Collaborative (eLc) at Forest Lake Elementary, and Sandlapper Elementary Computer Science Immersion School received national certification and recertification.

Earning national certification for the first time is the Sandlapper Elementary Computer Science Immersion School, a schoolwide magnet, and the eLc, school-within-a-school magnet. The Montessori school-within-a-school magnet and Forest Lake NASA Explorer schoolwide magnet earned recertification. All students participate in schoolwide magnets. School-within-a-school magnets offer smaller learning communities.

Nationally certified magnet schools provide top-quality, innovative educational options to families and students that promote choice, diversity, and academic excellence. MSA will officially recognize these schools and programs at its annual national conference in 2025.

Barbara Turner, the district’s Director of Magnet Programs says, “Obtaining magnet certification is not just about meeting standards; it’s about committing to a culture of excellence, where educational innovation, student growth, and teaching excellence are at the heart of every endeavor.”

The district now has 35 nationally certified magnet programs. Twenty-six have earned the distinction of becoming Nationally Certified Demonstration Magnet schools by exceeding the criteria required to meet the MSA National Standards of Excellence. Since 2010, magnet programs in Richland Two have also received 48 MSA Merit Awards of Excellence and Distinction.