One Region releases strategy and guidelines to safely reopen Tri-County area

May 12, 2020

One Region, a collaborative initiative focused on building a stronger, more inclusive regional economy, has released phase one of re|IGNITE, a plan to safely reopen businesses in Berkeley, Charleston and Dorchester counties. The strategy and guideline documents can be viewed at

re|IGNITE includes high-level recommendations on how and when to safely reopen in a phased approach along with health care metrics from MUSC and best practice workplace procedures. The plan also includes industry-specific guidelines. Guidelines for the food and beverage industry and small businesses deciding to reopen are part of today’s release. Additional industry-specific guidelines will be released in the coming weeks.

“It does little good for businesses to reopen only to find there is no business. With the help of One Region’s re|IGNITE phase one plan and industry-specific guidelines, employers can utilize consistent safety precautions and standards appropriate for businesses of all sizes,” said Charleston Regional Development Alliance Chairman John Hagerty. “Employees and customers need to feel confident their health and safety is paramount. Acting together as One Region, we can reopen quickly, safely, and rebuild our thriving economic and social community.”

The guidelines were developed from a set of best practices, with buy-in from numerous stakeholders across the region and follow public health guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (DHEC). -more- re|IGNITE is meant to provide confidence for employers, their employees and our community to safely reopen when the time is right. It aligns with accelerateSC, the statewide recommendations set forth by S.C. Governor Henry McMaster.

“We are proud of how our community has come together to inform re|IGNITE,” said One Region Chairman, General Hank Taylor. “With support from business, healthcare, nonprofit and government leaders from across the tri-county area, we are pleased One Region can provide a platform to safely reopen our economy.”