Refshauge Web Unveils Its New Name: A-Line Interactive

February 8, 2012

GREENVILLE, SC – February 7, 2012 – Refshauge Web Solutions has rebranded its company with anew name –A-Line Interactive. The web site solutions company offers customized as well as package web sites and other web-based services to companies in the Southeast.

After being in business for six years, the founders Drew and Charles Refshauge decided it was time to make its company name Refshauge (ref-shaw-gee) Web Solutions more memorable and certainly easier to pronounce as A-Line Interactive.

“The new name better reflects our Class A approach to web sites, where we make sure a site and related services match a client’s specific needs and budget,” said A-Line Interactive President Drew Refshauge.

Based in Greenville SC, A-Line has created web sites and other web services such as Search Engine Optimization (SEO) for many industries in the Southeast since 2006.