Richland School District Two announces new principals

May 23, 2024

The upcoming academic year will bring new leadership to several Richland Two schools. William R. Whitehurst will be the new principal of L.W. Conder Elementary School. At E.L. Wright Middle School, Dr. Scott N. Floyd will take over as principal.  Dr. Marlon L. Thomas will assume the principal’s role at Richland Northeast High School, and Tameka Nicholson will become the new principal of Westwood High School. The new appointments are effective July 1, 2024.

“Richland Two has a rich history of growing education leaders,” said Superintendent Dr. Kim D. Moore. “Even when they pursue opportunities outside of the district, these innovators return to raise the bar for education with the teachers, administrators and principals who have nurtured them and thus continue this legacy.”

William Whitehurst – Principal at L.W. Conder Elementary School

William Whitehurst

Whitehurst is one of several leaders returning to the district this summer. He began as a math instructor in Richland One in 2013 and joined Richland Two three years later. Over the next five years, he rose quickly. After two years as a math instructor at Richland Northeast, he was hired as a counselor at Blythewood High School. A year later, he was hired as an assistant principal at L. W. Conder Elementary School. Whitehurst left the district in 2021 to become principal at Marshall Elementary in Orangeburg County. He holds a bachelor of science in secondary mathematics education and a master’s degree in counselor education from South Carolina State. He also has an education specialist degree in Educational Leadership and a K-12 Principal Licensure. He will succeed Paula China who is retiring at the end of the school year.

“It is an honor and privilege to return home to the L.W. Conder Family and continue to serve this great school. I am humbled by this opportunity and can’t wait to begin,” Whitehurst said.

Dr. Scott N. Floyd – Principal at E.L. Wright Middle School

Dr. Scott N. Floyd

Dr. Floyd began his journey in education 17 years ago as a high school teacher at the formerly known Givhans Alternative School in Dorchester County. In 2011, he was promoted to assistant principal at Fort Dorchester High School. From 2016 to 2022, he served as principal of Aiken Middle School and then Schoefield Middle School in Aiken County. Dr. Floyd has been an assistant principal at Summit Parkway Middle School for the past two years. He holds a bachelor’s degree in experiential psychology and a master’s teaching degree in secondary social studies from the University of South Carolina (USC). He earned a master’s degree in middle and secondary school administration from The Citadel and a Doctor of Education degree in curriculum and instruction from USC. He is replacing Malinda Taylor who is retiring at the end of the school year.

“Richland School District Two has a strong tradition of excellence and innovation in education. I am truly honored to be selected for this position,” Dr. Floyd said. “I am excited to lead and eager to serve as principal of E. L. Wright Middle School.”

Dr. Marlon L. Thomas – Principal at Richland Northeast High School

Dr. Marlon L. Thomas

Dr. Thomas says his hiring as principal of Richland Northeast High School is really a homecoming. He began his teaching career as an earth science teacher at W. C. Sullivan Middle School in Rock Hill in 1999. He joined Richland Two in 2003 and spent the next 20 years teaching and leading in the district. Dr. Thomas began at Richland Northeast High School as a biology and physical science teacher before transitioning to an assistant administrator. He was an assistant principal at Blythewood Middle School for seven years and then an assistant principal at Ridge View High School from 2013 to 2020. In 2020, Dr. Thomas left the district to become principal at Lamar High School in Darlington County. He has a bachelor’s degree in biology education from South Carolina State University and a master’s of education degree in secondary education with a concentration in biology. He also earned an educational specialist degree in educational administration and supervision and a Doctor of Education in educational administration and supervision from South Carolina State University. He replaces Mark Sims who will become the district ombudsman.

“I am truly honored to have the opportunity to serve as principal of Richland Northeast High School. It’s a beautiful feeling to return to the school where I served as a classroom teacher and administrator,” Dr. Thomas said. “I am grateful to once again be a part of a community that provides challenging academic opportunities that advance positive individual growth and prepare responsible global citizens for a post-secondary education, military, or career readiness.”

Tameka S. Nicholson- Principal of Westwood High School

Tameka S. Nicholson

Tameka Nicholson is another homegrown school leader. Between 2007 and 2015, Nicholson taught English at Richland Northeast High, Longleaf Middle and Blythewood Middle schools before leaving to work for two years with the Carolina Consortium of Enterprise Learning. In 2017, she became an assistant administrator at Richland Northeast High School. Since 2020 she has served as the Westwood High School assistant principal of curriculum and instruction since 2020. She has a bachelor’s degree in English and a master’s degree in teaching secondary English from the University of South Carolina. She also earned an educational specialist degree in educational leadership from Arkansas State University. She will replace Robert Jackson who is leaving the district at the end of the school to become the director of personnel in Spartanburg District Five.

“Learning, leading, and designing experiences to ensure our scholars are purpose-driven and future-ready has fostered great joy,” Nicholson said. “I look forward to continuing this journey with my Redhawk family.”

The district is excited to welcome these accomplished leaders who understand Richland Two’s commitment to preparing students to be future ready!