Richland Two School Board Meeting Highlights

November 12, 2014

 COLUMBIA, SC – Highlights from last nights board  meeting.


Faculty Focus

Catherine Griggs and Tammie Gilchrist shared their experiences from their new roles as reading coaches in the district under the new Read to Succeed law. Read to Succeed was signed into law by Governor Nikki Haley on June 11, 2014. This legislation directed districts to hire reading coaches for designated elementary schools for the 2014-2015 school year. The coaches provide on-site stable resources for professional development throughout schools in order to boost reading and literacy instruction and student achievement. 

Update: Ridge View Facilities

Executive Director of Operations ​Jack Carter presented an update to the board on the status of ongoing facilities upgrades at Ridge View High School.

Report: Discipline Task Force

Chief Administrative Officer Roosevelt Garrick and Executive Director of Administrative Services Cleveland Smith presented an update to the board regarding the Discipline Task Force. The purpose of the Discipline Task Force is to engage in open dialogue regarding the discipline procedures and consequences of the students of Richland Two. The 48 task force members represent a variety of stakeholders, including parents, community members, members of the faith-based community and district personnel.

Report: Innovation Incubator

Team Leader for Technology Integration Donna Teuber presented a report to the board detailing the goals of the Innovation Incubator and shared the results from the first class to graduate from the program. Richland School District Two has a history of developing innovative classroom practices. Most of those initiatives, however, have been developed at the administrative level. The R2 Innovates (Richland Two Innovates) initiative seeks to change that by encouraging all district staff to recommend and implement ideas that produce innovative educational practices. Richland Two leadership believes teachers and staff have great ideas that can bring positive change. R2 Innovates opens the door for everyone to share ideas and work with innovation teams to put those ideas into actions. 

Report: Land Lease Richland Library

The board voted to table the this item for a future board meeting.

Report: Calendar for School year 2015-2016

Executive Director of Communications Libby Roof and representatives of the Superintendent’s Faculty Advisory Council presented to the board the proposed 2015-2016 School Calendar for review.




A complete recording of each board meeting is aired on the district’s cable access channel 12 R2TV on Time Warner Cable and on demand anytime through the district’s YouTube channel.