Richter launches multi-media campaign

March 12, 2010

CHARLESTON, SC – March 12, 2010 – A Republican candidate for Lt. Governor is launching his campaign this week with a multi-media announcement, including an Internet blitz, a news media tour, and the largest TV advertising purchase of the 2010 election year so far.

Republican Larry Richter, a former state senator from Mt. Pleasant, widely regarded as the state’s most conservative judge, began his campaign for Lt. Governor on Wednesday with a 30 second TV ad entitled The Courage to Do It Right.

The ad, which will air for a week on most of the state’s major broadcast stations, features scenes of Richter and his entire family, including his two grandchildren, and a message detailing how Richter would issue rulings as the legislature’s presiding officer to stop politics as usual.

The ad also underscores that Richter is the only candidate with any experience in the legislature, over which the Lt. Governor must preside. The Lt. Governor presides over the Senate each day, and presides over all Joint Assemblies of the House and Senate. The South Carolina Office on Aging is under the auspices of the Lt. Governor’s office as well, and Richter has a keen interest and much experience in protecting the rights of children and senior citizens.

The video message was also published broadly on social networking media.

On Thursday, Richter will kick off a two-week tour to visit news reporters and editors throughout the state to discuss the major issues of his campaign: recruiting jobs, protecting senior citizens, and stopping the growth of government and the burdensome, unfair tax system that has resulted from too much government.

As presiding officer of the Senate and Joint Assemblies, I will insure that each and every ruling is issued with the protection of the taxpayers in mind, Richter said. My experience as both a state senator and a judge give me the ability issue strong, consistent rulings which will protect taxpayers and stop the out-of-control growth of government.

Richter said his campaign would be launching additional multi-media messages during March and April detailing his positions on key issues, beginning with his economic development plans to recruit jobs to South Carolina.

One of every eight South Carolinians cannot find a job, Richter noted. I will be a jobs ambassador for our state. I’ll go to work on my first day in office to personally recruit good, new industries into our state.

We must also recognize that there are other steps which must be taken to develop a booming, sustainable economy. Keeping taxes low is a key step so that the people — not the government — can make their own decisions about how to spend their own money, and best allow the American free enterprise system to work and the citizens to prosper.


The text of the TV ad is below:

The courage to do it right.

He was South Carolina’s most conservative judge. His conservative rulings protected taxpayers and preserved South Carolina’s family values.

As a state senator, he pushed reforms that put criminals behind bars and kept our homes and families safe.

Now, he’s back, to stop politics as usual in the state legislature. As presiding officer, his rulings will limit out-of-control government growth, and let taxpayers keep more of their own money.

He’ll fight for us. Larry Richter. The experience to do the job. The courage to do it right.