River Springs Elementary PE teacher awarded #PhysEd 2018 Best Blog

February 21, 2018

River Springs Elementary School PE teacher Ben Landers has been recognized by ThePhysicalEducator.com as having the best #PhysEd blog for 2018.

Landers, who has served at River Springs since 2007 created his blog “The PE Specialist” in hopes of inspiring teachers to inspire students.


RSES Ben Landers


“I really just wanted to do something where I could share resources with other teachers because a lot of first and second year teachers – they might understand the concepts of what a good lesson looks like, but they don’t know what quality instruction looks like,” Landers said. “There really weren’t many quality videos online so I wanted to create that.”

Since 2014, The PE Specialist has accumulated thousands of followers on social media and over 5,000 subscribers on YouTube.

“The PE online community is really generous and a lot of people are sharing,” Landers said. “To be recognized with this award means so much.”

Landers says the most unique part about his job is challenging his students in a way that is different from what they learn in the classroom.

“PE has the opportunity to hit the heart, body and brain all at once,” Landers said. “We get the chance to put kids in scenarios where they have to work together as a team. We’re teaching fitness and sports skills, but I think the most important thing we teach is life skills.”

River Springs Elementary principal Melanie Cohen added, “We are amazed each day by what Mr. Landers does for our students. His unique style of teaching has been very beneficial and we are so excited that he is a part of our Gator family. Congratulations to him for being recognized with this award!”

To see Landers most recent work, visit ThePESpecialist.com.