S.C. Workforce Partners Unveil Upgraded Service Delivery System for Customers
April 9, 2013April 9, 2013 – South Carolinians will soon have a new way to accessreemployment and Unemployment Insurance (UI) services in their localareas through regional SC Works centers, around-the-clock self-serviceofferings and local access points.
The SC Department of Employment and Workforce (DEW) today announced an upgraded, technology-focused service delivery method.
“The state’s unemployment rate is the lowest it has been in four years,” said John L. Finan, DEW administrator. “South Carolinians are findingjobs, and this means that there are fewer people claiming unemploymentbenefits, which is great news for the Palmetto State. However, ouragency is receiving less federal funding for operations, whichnecessitated that we and our local partners design a new workforcedelivery system sustainable for the long term as the state continuesdown the path of economic recovery.”
Statewide, the new service delivery system will include 12 comprehensive SC Works centers that feature intensive employment services andassistance with filing UI claims online.
While UI claims will no longer be taken by representatives at SC Workscenters, staff at the 12 comprehensive centers will be able to offerassistance with online filing. DEW is also in the process of partneringwith libraries, technical colleges, and various other communityorganizations in all 46 counties to provide technology-enhancedconnection points across the state. At these connection points,customers can file for UI benefits online, conduct job searches andsubmit resumes and job orders.
“Ultimately, these changes enable our customers to take advantage ofservices more quickly, efficiently and at times most convenient tothem,” Finan said.
“DEW and our partners worked together to develop an updated servicedelivery model that maximizes technology in order to best assist SouthCarolinians find the right job or employee.”
Employment services—ranging from resume writing and job searching tocandidate recruiting—will be delivered to all 46 counties through avariety of methods including mobile teams, satellite locations and SCWorks Online Services (jobs.scworks.org).
Assistance with UI claims will be delivered through the online MyBenefits portal (mybenefits.dew.sc.gov), the toll-free TelClaim line (1.866.831.1724) and a team of UIspecialists who will work with customers via phone to resolve any claimissues. A variety of enhanced self-service UI offerings include:
- Step-by-step video tutorials illustrating the MyBenefits filing process;
- All claimant reference materials available for download via MyBenefits and dew.sc.gov;
- Upgraded features on MyBenefits including changing address, phone number, tax withholding information, and payment method;
- Filing initial claims on MyBenefits;
- Filing standard weekly claims and pay order card claims on MyBenefits or TelClaim;
- Checking payment status on MyBenefits and TelClaim;
- Filing an appeal online at dew.sc.gov/appeals will be available soon.
DEW anticipates the new service model to take effect by July and estimatesthe changes to impact approximately 100 positions across the state.Additionally, the federal Emergency Unemployment Compensation (EUC)program is set to expire at the end of December. Unless EUC isreauthorized by Congress, approximately 50 positions will be reduced atthat time due to that workload ending.
“The exceptional level of collaboration between all the state’s localworkforce investment areas and DEW has made the initial phase of thisservice delivery upgrade run smoothly,” Finan said. “The continuedcooperation among the partners will ensure that as our economy grows our organizations will meet the needs of the workforce and businesscommunity in the most efficient manner possible.”