Saraband Dance Club Celebrates 60 Years

June 17, 2014

COLUMBIA, SC – In the mid 1950’s, several couples who enjoyed an evening of dining and dancing with their spouses and friends started a club devoted exclusively to these activities. They named it The Saraband Club, a name that represents a “stately Spanish court dance from the 17th and 18th centuries;” this year, the Club is celebrating its 60th birthday and is still going strong. 

Club members enjoy four dances each year – one each quarter – with the Spring and Christmas dances being more formal in nature.  The evening begins with cocktails and a delicious meal.  Top notch bands, such as Second Nature, The Headliners, Coastal Breeze and Heart and Soul, provide the music for the dances that follow.

Saraband holds an annual meeting each year to transact business and elect officers.  Current officers are Harry Mashburn, President; Toby Chaffin, Vice President and Treasurer; and board members General John Finan, Norm Nickerson, Dennis Powell, Greg Evans and Jim Rhodes.

The Club has evolved throughout the decades, but its commitment remains the same – for members to enjoy the very best in music, food and fellowship.

Membership is limited to 115 couples. There are occasional vacancies and a waiting list is maintained.  Interested couples may call Jane Andrews at (803) 400-1000.