SC Bar PMAP Director to join prestigious College of Law Practice Management

October 20, 2014

COLUMBIA, SC – The South Carolina Bar announces that Courtney Kennaday, director of its Practice Management Assistance Program (PMAP), has been invited to join the prestigious College of Law Practice Management. Kennaday was inducted into the organization October 17 during its 2014 Futures Conference in Boston.

In her role as Practice Management Advisor, Kennaday assists lawyers in large and small firms with law office technology and management issues. A former practicing attorney and member of the South Carolina Bar since 1990, her web resources are a popular tool for practice management and technology information. Previously, she worked in law firms as a librarian and information resource specialist and a director of information technology.

Kennaday is a frequent author on technology topics, including numerous articles for American Bar Association (ABA) publications. She is a member of the ABA Law Practice Division and the ABA GP Solo Division and co-authored the popular Sites for Sore Eyes column for the GPSolo Technology eReport with Jim Calloway. As a speaker, she has appeared at ABA TECHSHOW during three decades, as well as numerous state and local bar events through the years. She frequently speaks to law school classes about ethics, and law office technology and management issues.

Earlier this year, Kennaday received the Fastcase 50 Award, which recognizes 50 of the smartest, most courageous innovators, techies, visionaries and leaders in the law.



The College of Law Practice Management is an honorary organization that recognizes distinguished law practice management professionals who have made extraordinary contributions to the field of law practice management over their careers. It’s a roster of who’s who in the law practice management field.

The SC Bar, which has a membership of more than 15,000 lawyers, is dedicated to advancing justice, professionalism and understanding of the law.