SCDOT announces the latest rural road safety improvement project

June 25, 2018

South Carolina Department of Transportation (SCDOT) has awarded a Rural Road Safety Project (RRSP) in Aiken County.

  • Aiken County – US Route 1 North. Beginning from just north of the City of Aiken, approximately 10 miles in length.

The latest project comes on the heels of two other Rural Road Safety Program construction projects, covering approximately 35 miles that were awarded recently in that region of the state.

  • Lexington County- US 178 from near Batesburg to near Pelion.
  • Lexington County – SC 302 beginning at the Aiken County line and continues approximately one mile beyond the town of Edmund.

SCDOT is nearing completion of Year #1 for the 10-Year Plan to Rebuild SC’s Roads and Bridges. The target for the Plan is to make customized safety improvements on 100 miles per year for each of the ten years.

However, SCDOT has exceeded that goal by putting 187 miles of Safety Projects, including safety features added to resurfacing projects, under contract in the first year.

Secretary of Transportation Christy Hall noted that South Carolina leads the nation in highway fatalities, with nearly 30% of the fatal and serious injury crashes occurring on just 5% of the network of rural roads. Hall said, “This life and death issue is why SCDOT has committed $50 million in annual funding in the 10-Year Plan to address high-crash rural corridors. “

The safety improvements planned for these corridors will include wider, paved shoulders, wider and brighter pavement markings, rumble stripes along edge lines and center lines, brighter roadway signs, reflective sign post panels, beveled driveway culverts, wider clear zones and additional guardrail.

More information about the Rural Road Safety Program is available at this link: pps/MapSeries/index.html?appid =df937e9b63ce4377a3705feb9fb05 466