SCDOT Employees to Pick Up Litter Statewide Week of April 20 in Support of Governor Haley’s Litter Prevention Month Proclamation

April 8, 2015

COLUMBIA, SC – In support of Governor Nikki Haley’s designation of April as litter prevention month, the South Carolina Department of Transportation (SCDOT) plans to deploy its Maintenance crews in all 46 counties to pick up litter during the week of April 20.

“South Carolina state agencies have joined together in a collaborative effort to address litter on our roadways,” Haley said in her proclamation. “Littering is illegal and is a crime against nature as well as the residents of the Palmetto State…Zero tolerance for littler is a month-long enforcement campaign focusing on our state’s littler laws.”

Each SCDOT maintenance crew will spend one day picking up litter during the week of April 20. SCDOT plans to stagger scheduling among crews so that litter pickup is performed each day during the week at locations across the state. SCDOT employees will focus on high visibility routes and “litter hot spots,” said SCDOT Chief Engineer for Operations Leland Colvin.

Motorists are asked to use caution when driving in areas during litter clean-up operations for the safety of everyone involved.

SCDOT has longstanding partnerships with PalmettoPride and other organizations to help keep South Carolina beautiful.