SCE&G and Riverkeeper reach agreement on ash storage

August 20, 2012

CAYCE, SC – August 20, 2012 – South Carolina Electric & Gas(SCE&G) and the Catawba Riverkeeper Foundation today announced theyhave reached a settlement of a suit brought by the SouthernEnvironmental Law Center regarding ash storage at Wateree Station inEastover, S.C.

The settlement provides additional commitments tothe process and timetables established in an October 2011 Memorandum ofAgreement (MOA) between SCE&G and the South Carolina Department ofHealth and Environmental Control. Specifically, the settlement contains abinding agreement to remove all the coal ash now stored in impoundmentsat the Wateree Station to lined landfill storage away from the WatereeRiver or recycling of the ash, and also accelerates the timetable forthe commitment SCE&G made in the MOA for the complete removal ofcoal ash. The Southern Environmental Law Center had brought suit onbehalf of the Catawba Riverkeeper against SCE&G under the SouthCarolina Pollution Control Act. That case is resolved by the settlement.

In the MOA, SCE&G laid out its plan to proactively andvoluntarily remove the ash from the ash ponds and transition to dry ashhandling and storage at the plant site. Using the experience of the pastyear since the signing of the MOA, SCE&G made refinements andprovided further definition to the plan that resulted in the settlementagreement. The settlement agreement provides that 240,000 tons of coalash will be removed from the wet storage facility in the first threeyears and provides for complete removal of coal ash by December 31,2020. In 2010, SCE&G opened an onsite state of the art dry storagefacility, which was the first step toward decommissioning the ash ponds.

“This settlement is a great example of how industry, stakeholdersand government agencies can work together to produce a proactive planthat is in the best interest of all,” said Jim Landreth, vice presidentfor SCE&G Fossil and Hydro Operations. “From our voluntary agreementwith DHEC a year ago to our affirmation of that agreement in oursettlement with the Catawba Riverkeeper today, SCE&G continues todemonstrate its commitment to efficiently and effectively decommissionwet ash storage facilities at all of our coal-fired stations.”

Frank Holleman, Senior Attorney at the Southern Environmental LawCenter explained: “This is an historic agreement. SCE&G has bounditself to remove its coal ash from the impoundments near the WatereeRiver, has accelerated its schedule for removal, and has committeditself to improved handling and storage of coal ash.”

Rick Gaskins, the Catawba Riverkeeper, stated: “This agreementand SCE&G’s commitments are a major step forward for the protectionof the Catawba-Wateree Basin. Coal ash will be removed from unlinedimpoundments near the banks of the River and the ash pond will beclosed. SCE&G’s binding commitments are in the best interests of theWateree, the Congaree National Park, and SCE&G.”

This settlement does not exempt SCE&G from obtaining thenecessary regulatory permits. SCE&G will obtain all required permitsthrough DHEC and other appropriate regulatory agencies.

About SCE&G
SCE&G is a regulated utility engaged in thegeneration, transmission, distribution and sale of electricity toapproximately 669,000 customers in South Carolina. The company alsoprovides natural gas service to approximately 318,000 customersthroughout the state. More information about SCE&G is available at

About Southern Environmental Law Center
The Southern Environmental Law Center is a regional nonprofit using thepower of the law to protect the health and environment of the Southeast(Virginia, Tennessee, North and South Carolina, Georgia, and Alabama).Founded in 1986, SELC’s team of more than 50 legal and policy expertsrepresent more than 100 partner groups on issues of climate change andenergy, air and water quality, forests, the coast and wetlands,transportation, and land use.

About Catawba Riverkeeper Foundation
The Catawba Riverkeeper Foundation advocates for the health, protectionand enjoyment of the Catawba-Wateree River watershed. The CatawbaRiverkeeper Foundation provides education, processes and programs toprotect your drinking water and the many resources of the entireCatawba-Wateree River watershed. Catawba Riverkeeper’s experiencednetwork includes a diverse community of members, engaged volunteers andprofessional staff whose dedication of time, talent and resourcesprotect and enhance our river today and for future generations. Thevision of Catawba Riverkeeper is for the waters of the entireCatawba-Wateree River basin to always be of high quality and abundantquantity to sustain and enhance the lives of all the humans, thewildlife and the ecosystems that depend on it.